Hi Dr. Holzman,

Thanks so much for the email! I’m doing great and I’m so glad that I had the surgery. My housemates keep teasing me because every night I stand up to go ‘take out my contacts’ and then I realize that I don’t have to do that anymore!! Everyone at work keeps asking me how my vision is, as if they’re worried it’s going to suddenly regress, and I keep telling them that it’s actually getting better every day. Also, I played volleyball yesterday for the first time since the surgery, and wow! What an amazing difference than playing with glasses!

Thanks so much for your work; I know that God used your skill to restore my sight! I felt completely calm during the surgery because you had explained what was going to happen and because you continued to explain what I should be feeling/seeing/experiencing as the surgery was progressing. I have been recommending you to everyone who asks about LASIK. 🙂

Have a great weekend,

Chrissy S.