I’ve been thinking about laser correction for years but hadnt gotten around to it. My sister did it and swore it changed her life. She was right! I researched a few places and initially planned to use the eye doctors at Hopkins (I’m an anesthesiologist there) however, the eye consultation was free and my sister spoke very highly of Dr. Holzman. so I researched them a little more and went for the consultation. They only do laser eye correction and the doctors were extremely positive and informative. None of my interactions ever seemed rushed and they genuinely seem to care about how things r going. My surgeon texted me the night of surgery! I’m a doc too and I have NEVER done that. I really appreciated it. I ended up getting prk. They asked me if I could possibly get hit in the eye (higher risk for lasik) I said no. Then my daughter hit me in the eye that night. In addition to the shape of my eyes, prk made sense for me. I’m at 20/15 vision and very happy!!