
Dr. Holzman,

Hi! I think I am still laughing at just how EASY the whole LASIK process and procedure was! Truly, I can’t say enough good things about the whole experience. Your staff and you were amazing and I will absolutely give a shout out to you all in whatever way possible.

As far as the procedure itself… a breeze! The results… incredible! For 30+ years, relying on corrective lenses, and then poof, done with, words can’t even describe. It’s a brief, odd, 2 second experience though every night when I think oh, I have to take my contacts out! Well, no, I don’t! Same in the morning, I instinctively grab for my glasses. Cracks me up!

Then to recovery. Couldn’t have been easier. Drops, sure a hassle at times, but you just do it. Hours after the procedure, shocking at how well I could see. The next day, even more so. Appeared to be 20/15 at the day after follow up and read 20/10 yesterday! Awesome! Dry eyes, yes a bit here and there. I was able to go for a run (brought drops along with me) a few days after, played tennis two days ago, golf yesterday, and busy walking dogs with no problems at all!!!

All in all, an incredible experience, that like so many say, why did I wait so long, I wish I had done it sooner!

So thank you so much! You were terrific! And funny, I haven’t listened to the Dead in years!!!! But having a Xanax and relaxing to a few songs took me down memory lane! LOL!

Thanks again for everything!

All the best to you,


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