by Andrew E Holzman, MD FACS | May 11, 2017 | Blogs
Dr. Andrew E. Holzman takes his reputation as one of the nation’s most trusted LASIK surgeons extremely seriously; he places nothing above the safety, comfort, and overall satisfaction of his LASIK patients. This is why he carefully evaluates each candidate for LASIK...
by Andrew E Holzman, MD FACS | Apr 27, 2017 | Blogs
I can see! Getting Lasik done by Dr. Holzman was one of the absolute best decisions of my life. My vision was pretty bad and I’d often thought about getting lasik, but felt really anxious about it. I finally thought I would just check it out (without committing...
by Andrew E Holzman, MD FACS | Apr 11, 2017 | Blogs
LASIK surgery is an effective vision correction procedure, eliminating people’s dependence on contact and glasses. It’s helped millions of people worldwide, and we’ve helped countless patients in the Washington, DC area using state-of-the-art...
by Andrew E Holzman, MD FACS | Mar 20, 2017 | Blogs
While refractive surgery procedures are generally FDA approved for patients over the age of 18, there are some cautionary caveats. Patients that are in their teens and even low/mid twenties are more likely to have an unstable prescription in their eyes, as myopia...
by Andrew E Holzman, MD FACS | Mar 14, 2017 | Blogs
For patients with advanced, progressive keratoconus, Dr. Holzman offers two advanced treatment options at our Washington, DC area practice. Intacs®, or corneal implants, can help strengthen corneas weakened by keratoconus to improve vision. Corneal cross-linking is an...
by Andrew E Holzman, MD FACS | Mar 3, 2017 | Blogs
Despite having unparalleled accuracy and predictability, laser vision correction procedures carry with them an inherent risk that it may not be absolutely perfect the first time and/or that your vision can change down the road requiring more laser reshaping. We...